Blueprint to Repair Australia’s Landscapes
Australians do not have to choose between a healthy environment and a productive economy. Repairing Australia’s landscapes is essential, urgent, achievable, affordable, and in the national interest.
Are Murray-Darling Basin rivers getting the water they need to stay healthy?
Assessment of whether river flows in the Murray-Darling Basin have achieved minimum flow requirements needed to ensure the river health.
Response to Minister Plibersek’s Announcement of a New Agreement to Implement the Murray-Darling Basin Plan
Response to Minister Plibersek's Announcement of a New Agreement to Implement the Murray-Darling Basin Plan
Announcement: New Chair of the Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists
The Board and Members of the Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists today welcomed Dr Ian Pollard, AM FAICD as the new Chair of the organisation.
Review of Water Reform in the Murray-Darling Basin
This report is the first independent and comprehensive review of water reform in the Murray-Darling Basin since the Basin Plan was agreed by the Australian Parliament in 2012.
Accounting for Nature 2016
A model for environmental accounting for measuring the condition of assets over time, with examples from the regional trial.
Blueprint Paper 1: Using Markets to Conserve Natural Capital
Transformative, long-term economic and institutional reforms that Australia must implement if it is to create a healthy environment with a productive economy.
Australian Regional Environmental Accounts Trial: Report to NRM Regions Australia
This report describes the application of an environmental asset condition accounting method, called Accounting for Nature, at a regional (sub-national) scale, based on the findings of a three year trial.
Blueprint for a Healthy Environment and a Productive Economy
Transformative, long-term economic and institutional reforms that Australia must implement if it is to create a healthy environment with a productive economy.
Statement on the Future of Australia’s Water Reform
The Wentworth Group calls on all Australian governments to take the long view and prepare the country for this new climate regime by recommitting to water reform through a new, broader national agreement.
Statement on Changes to Commonwealth Powers to Protect Australia’s Environment
Proposes a suite of reforms, as an alternative to the Commonwealth's plans to hand environmental approvals powers to states.
Statement on the 2011 Draft Murray-Darling Basin Plan
Statement on the 2011 Draft Murray-Darling Basin Plan in response to the release of the Draft Plan on November 28, 2011.
Optimising Carbon in the Australian Landscape
It will be next to impossible to achieve the scale of reductions needed in sufficient time to avoid dangerous climate change.
Accounting for Nature
An environmental accounting system which would measure the health and change in condition of our major assets for long-term management.
Australia’s Climate is Changing Australia
Australia is going to have to get by with a lot less water, a whole lot sooner than we thought. Urgently accelerating agreed water reforms.
Blueprint for a National Water Plan
A plan to become water literate and the Council of Australian Governments to commit to urgently needed national reforms.
A New Model for Landscape Conservation in NSW
Landscape conservation founded on simplicity and flexibility, balancing investment security with high environmental standards.
Blueprint for a Living Continent
If we get it right, Australia will continue to produce food and fibre for us and for the rest of the world. If we fail to act, history will judge us harshly.