
The Wentworth Group invests in building the capacity of our next generation of natural resource scientists, economists, lawyers and business people, to shape policy for Australia’s land, water and marine resources.


For more information on our science program.

  • Wentworth Group Science Program Scholarships

    The Wentworth Group has established a science leaders program to enhance the ability of post-graduate students, scientists, lawyers and economists to engage in public policy on the future of our land, water, coasts and biodiversity.

    Participants in the program are given the opportunity to work with members of the Wentworth Group in order to apply their knowledge to public policy outcomes. It is a two-way process, where Wentworth Group members have the chance to learn from participants about the latest cutting edge research and on-the-ground issues. The program is led by Professor Bruce Thom.

    Since its inception in 2002, the Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists has been active in advancing solutions to secure the long term health of Australia’s environment.

    Comprised of eminent scientists and thinkers, the Group has three core objectives:

    • Driving innovation in the management of Australia’s land, water, coasts and biodiversity;
    • Engaging business, community and political leaders in a dialogue to find and implement solutions to the challenge of environmental stewardship facing the future of Australian society; and
    • Building capacity by mentoring and supporting young natural resources scientists and resource economists to develop their skills and understanding of public policy.

    The Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists offers scholarships for PhD candidates to participate in the Wentworth Group Master Class. This is an opportunity for Australian postgraduate students to assist them in bridging the gap between science and public policy.

    The scholarships are intended to inspire and motivate. Students studying science, economics, geography, philosophy, law and/or engineering (especially those majoring in environmental science/studies/management/law or ecology) are encouraged to apply.

    The scholarship will provide expenses to cover participation at the Wentworth Group Master Class.

    Note – the scholarship cannot be used as a stipend.

    We are seeking students committed to advancing solutions that will secure the long term health of Australia’s land, water, coasts and biodiversity.


    The science program is made possible by the generous support of the Purves Environmental Fund.

See the full list of previous Wentworth Scholars.