Native Fauna

Environmental accounts submitted for native fauna assets in 2014.

Native Fauna

Native fauna is identified as an environmental asset in 80 per cent of NRM regional strategic plans, often described as threatened species, migratory species or biodiversity. Changes in land use and management and the introduction of feral pests and weeds have placed significant pressures on Australia’s native fauna. For over a decade, successive national, state and territory State of the Environment reports have reported that information on individual fauna species or groups of fauna species remains poor. As a result, it is difficult to determine trends in condition of Australia’s native fauna, although overall trends are presumed to be in decline. Reversing the decline in native fauna relies in part, on better understanding of the current threats and changes in populations for species in Australia. Human-induced pressures on native fauna occur at local or regional scales, and management must be informed by data on changes to fauna that have been generated at those scales.