John Williams

Dr John Williams FTSE

BSc Agr (Hons) (USYD), PhD (USYD)

Agricultural science
Natural resource sciences and catchment management
Landscape hydrology and water policy
Land use, natural and agricultural ecosystems

Founding Member, Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists
Fellow, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering
2005 Farrer Memorial Medalist, for distinguished service to Agricultural Science
Adjunct Professor in Public Policy and Environmental Management at the Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University
Adjunct Professor, Agriculture and Natural Resource Management, Institute for Land, Water and Society, Charles Sturt University
Member, Steering Committee for CGIAR Program Land, Water and Ecosystems
Chair, Advisory Board Institute for Land, Water and Society, Charles Sturt University.
Director, John Williams Scientific Services Pty Ltd
Former Board Director, Peter Cullen Water and Environment Trust
Former Scientific Advisor to the Board for Landcare Australia Limited
Former Commissioner, NSW Natural Resources Commission
Former Chief Scientist, NSW Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources
Former Chief, CSIRO Land and Water
Former Commissioner and Board Director, Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research
Former Chair of the Science Advisory Council to Murray Darling Freshwater Research Centre
Former Board Director, Landcare Australia Limited
Former Founding Board Director, CRC Irrigation Futures

Unconventional Gas Production and Natural Resource Management:

Management of the Coal Seam Gas Industry in NSW – the Science and the Law – John Williams in Connections Issue 36, Institute for Land Water and Society, Charles Sturt University, pp 14-15, May 2014.

Coal seam gas production: Challenges and opportunities – John Williams, Ann Milligan and Tim Stubbs in Bureau of Resources and Energy Economics, Gas Market Report October 2013, pp 46 – 66

THE WATER, FOOD and ENERGY NEXUS: Lessons for the water-energy-food-climate tradeoffs with expansion of unconventional gas production in the US and Australia – John Williams and Jamie Pittock, International Conference on Freshwater Governance for Sustainable Development, South Africa, November 2012

An analysis of coal seam gas production and natural resource management in Australia FULL REPORT – John Williams Scientific Services Pty Ltd, October 2012

An analysis of coal seam gas production and natural resource management in Australia SUMMARY– John Williams Scientific Services Pty Ltd, October 2012

An analysis of coal seam gas production and natural resource management in Australia PRESENTATION – ACCED, 19 October 2012

Unconventional gas production and water resources: An Australian perspective on Governance and Regional Strategic Planning – ANU Crawford School, 2012

Food, Agriculture and Environment:

Sustainable food production: constraints, challenges and choices by 2040 – McKenzie, F. C. and Williams, J. in Food Security, March 2015

Food and water gaps to 2050: preliminary results from the global food and water system (GFWS) platform – Grafton, R. Q., Williams, J., and Jiang, Qiang. in Food Security, March 2015.

Australian Agriculture – Fiona McKenzie and John Williams, in Ten Commitments Revisited: Securing Australia’s Future Environment (Lindenmayer, Dovers and Morton (eds)), 2014.

Annotated Bibliography: Food-Energy-Water – John Williams, May 2014

What do Food Systems Designed for the 21st Century Look Like? – Food Summit, Melbourne 2011 

Can we secure our food whilst maintaining our environment? – Sydney Theatre Company, 2010

Environmental Farming – the new agriculture

Australian Agriculture – Redesigning for Resilience

Food versus environment – and the winner is?

The Farrer Oration for 2005: Sustainable Agriculture in Australia

Farming in the Future

Farming without harming

Farming without Harming in an Old, Flat, Salty Landscape

A Revolution in Land Use: Emerging Land Use Systems for Managing Dryland Salinity

Modern farming ‘harms poor and environment – ABC Science

Redesign of plant production systems for Australian Landscapes

Dean’s Lecture University of Melbourne

Australasian Science Article

Our Food versus Our Environment – Speaking Notes

What Food systems designed to meet the challenges of the 21st centuary look like?

Catchment and Natural Resource Management:

How might ILWS find its role in sustainable development of regional Australia? – John Williams in Connections, issue 64, Institute for Land, Water and Society, Charles Sturt University, pp 2-3, October 2013

Global insights into water resources, climate change and governance. Wentworth members John Williams, Richard Davis and Hugh Possingham

Growing sustainable communities – Landcare’s evolving roles and relationships – 25th Victorian Landcare Conference, 2011. Accompanying presentation: Growing sustainable communities Landcare’s evolving roles and relationships in Australia’s NRM for the future

Coastal Catchment Management – The future of CAPs in NSW – NSW Coastal Conference, 2011

Catchment management – setting the scene: An overview of catchment management models in AustraliaWater, April 2012.

Agriculture, water and catchment management Aapresid Congress 2010

Our coasts – meeting the challenges

Healthy Rivers and Catchments

Cause and Effect of Native Vegetation law in NSW: The essence and spirit of the Native Vegetation Act 2003

The Future of Catchment Management

The Principles of Natural Sequence Farming

Conserving land and water for society: global challenges and perspectives

Land use and natural ecosystems: A revolution in land use is the key to a sustainable landscape

Dryland Salinisation: A Challenge for Land and Water Management in the Australian Landscape.

Effectiveness of Current Farming Systems in the Control of Dryland Salinity

Managing the population-environment nexus under climate shift

Catchment Management Conference-Wangaratta Aug 2011

Is Integrated Catchment Management now a possibility in New South Wales?

Catchment Management – Setting the Scene

Biodiversity Across the Borders Conference, Mount Helen, June 2011

The role of voluntary conservation on private lands, May 2011

Water Reform in Murray Darling Basin:

Australia Must Build the Next Generation of Water Reform – John Williams in Connections, Issue 38, Institute for Land Water and Society, Charles Sturt University, pp 8-9, November 2014.

Is Australia’s Water Reform Record under Threat? – John Williams in Australian Water Association’s Water. June 2014. Pages 4-6.

Global insights into water resources, climate change and governance – Grafton QR, Pittock J, Davis R, Williams J, Fu G, Warburton M, Udall B, McKenzie R, Yu X, Che N, Connel D, Jiang Q, Kompas T, Lynch A, Norris R, Possingham H and Quiggen J. Nature Climate Change. 2013. 3(4). 315-321. DOI: 10.1038/nclimate1746.

Water Planning and Hydro-Climatic Change in the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia – R. Quentin Grafton, Jamie Pittock, John Williams, Qiang Jiang, Hugh Possingham and John Quiggin in Ambio. 2014.

Building a Future in the Murray-Darling Basin, ATSE 31 October 2012

Australian Water Association NSW Heads of Water Gala Dinner, August 2012

Understanding the Basin and its Dynamics

2nd Annual Water Leaders Congress, February 2010

Building Resilient Futures with Less Water Part 1

Building Resilient Futures with Less Water Part 2

Can Australia overcome its water scarcity problems?

Can We Myth-Proof Australia?

Wealth from Water: A National Perspective

Understanding the Basin and it’s Dynamics

Easy solutions for Murray Darling have run dry

Book Launch, This Land Our water, Canberra, June 2011

Burdekin River Irrigation Area reports and presentation:

The Water and Salt Balances of the Burdekin River Irrigation Area – Final Report

The Water and Salt Balances of the Burdekin River Irrigation Area – Appendix

The Water and Salt Balances of the Burdekin River Irrigation Area – Presentation

Management of Salinity and Sodic Soils under Irrigation – Presentation

Collis-George, N. and Williams, John (1968). Comparison of the effects of soil matric potential and isotropic effective stress on the germination of Lactuca sativa. Aust. J. Soil Res. 6, pp. 179 92.

Williams, John and Shaykewich, C.F. (1969). An evaluation of PEG6000 and PEG20,000 in the osmotic control of soil water matric potential. Can. J. Soil Sci. 49, pp. 397-401.

Williams, John and Shaykewich, C.F. (1970). The influence of soil water matric potential on the strength properties of unsaturated soil. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 34, pp. 835-40.

Shaykewich, C.F., and Williams, John (1971). Resistance to water absorption in germinating rapeseed. J. Expt. Bot. 22, pp. 19-24.

Shaykewich, C.F., and Williams, John (1971). Influence of hydraulic properties of soil on pre-germination water absorption by rapeseed. Agron. J. 63, pp. 454-457.

Williams, John and Shaykewich, C.F. (1970). Influence of soil water matric potential and hydraulic conductivity on the germination of rapeseed. J. Expt. Bot. 22, pp. 586 597.

Williams, John (1973). The role of soil water in seed germination. In: Seed Ecology. (Ed. W. Heydecker). Butterworths, London, p. 550.

Williams, John (1974). Root density and water in the soil-plant system. In: Mechanism of Regulation of Plant Growth. (Eds. R.L. Bieleski et al.). Bull. 12 Roy. Soc. N.Z. pp. 373-8.

Williams, John (1974). Root density and water potential gradients near the plant root. J. Expt. Bot. 25, No. 87, pp. 669-74.

Williams, John (1975). Water relations of three planting stock types of Pinus caribaea following transplanting. N.Z. J. For. Sci. 5, pp. 87-104.

Richmond, T.A., Williams, John and Datt, U. (1975). Influence of drainage on pH, sulphate content and mechanical strength of a potential acid sulphate soil in Fiji. Trop. Agric. (Trinidad) 52, No. 4, pp. 325-34.

Williams, John (1976). Dependence of root water potential on root radius and density. J. Expt. Bot. 27, No. 96, pp. 121-24.

Sinclair, D.F. and Williams, John (1979). Components of variance involved in estimating soil water content and water content change using a neutron moisture meter. Aust. J. Soil Res. 17, pp. 237-247.

Williams, John and Coventry, R.J. (1979). The contrasting soil hydrology of red and yellow earths in a landscape of low relief. pp. 385-395. In: The Hydrology of Areas of Low Precipitation. Proc. Symp. Canberra, 1979, (IAHS-AISH Pub. No. 128).

Sinclair, D.F. and Williams, John (1979). The effect of components of variance on the design of a neutron moisture meter network. In: The Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Perth 1979. The Institution of Engineers, Australia, pp. 37 38.

Wicking, J.R., Williams, John and Carmichael, P.C. (1980). Serial interfaces for the Ross Recorder. J. of Physics E. Sci. Instrum. 13, pp. 178-181.

Williams, John, Holmes, J.W., Williams, B.G. and Winkworth, R.E. (1981). Application in agriculture, forestry and environmental science. Chap. 2, pp. 3-15. In: Assessment of Soil Water by the Neutron Method. (Ed. E.L. Greacen). (CSIRO: Melbourne).

Williams, John and Sinclair, Dennis F. (1981). Accuracy, bias and precision, Chap. 5, pp. 35-49. In: Soil Water Assessment by the Neutron Method. (Ed. E.L. Greacen). (CSIRO: Melbourne).

Johns, G.G., Cunningham, R.B., Dunin, F.X. and Williams, John (1981). Site selection and representivity. Chap. 8, pp. 99-116. In: Assessment of Soil Water by the Neutron Method. (Ed. E.L. Greacen). (CSIRO: Melbourne).

Williams, John, Wall, B.H. and McCown, R.L. (1980). Estimation of deep drainage and plant water extraction from soil water measurements. In: Hydrology Symposium, Adelaide, 4-6 Nov. 1980. The Institution of Engineers, Australia, National Conference publication 80/9, pp. 96-100.

Williams, John and Coventry, R.J. (1980). The potential for groundwater recharge through red, yellow, and grey earth profiles in central North Queensland. Australian Water Resources Council, Conference Series No. 3. pp. 169-181. Aust. Govt. Printing Service, Canberra, Australia.

Isbell, R.F. and Williams, John (1981). Dry soils of Australia: Characteristics and classification. In: Proceedings of Third International Soil Classification Workshop, Damascus, 1981. (Ed. F.H. Beinroth and A. Osman). Damascus, Syria. pp. 124-150.

Williams, John and Isbell, R.F. (1981). The use of soil moisture regimes in soil taxonomy. The USDA Soil Taxonomy in relation to some soils of eastern Queensland. In: Proceedings of a workshop held in Brisbane, November 1981. CSIRO Div. of Soils Report 84. pp. 19-22.

Williams, John (1982). Principles which determine plant water extraction and deep drainage in the monsoon tropics. In: Proceedings of Australian Society Sugar Cane Technologists 1982 Townsville Conference, pp. 41-54.

Williams, John, Prebble, R.E., Williams, W.T. and Hignett, C.T. (1983). The influence of texture, structure and clay mineralogy on the soil moisture characteristic. Aust. J. Soil Res. 21, pp. 15 32.

Williams, John (1983). Soil Hydrology. In: Soils: An Australian Viewpoint. Division of Soils, CSIRO. (CSIRO: Melbourne/Academic Press, London). pp. 507 530.

Williams, John and Gardener, C.J. (1984). Environmental constraints to growth and survival of Stylosanthes. In: The Biology and Agronomy of Stylosanthes. (Ed. H.M. Stace and L.A. Edye). (Academic Press, Melbourne, 1984). pp. 181-201.

Williams, John, and Probert, M.E. (1984). Characterization of soil-climate constraints for predicting pasture production in the semi-arid tropics. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Soils 12-16 September 1983, Townsville, Queensland. (ACIAR-Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, Canberra, Australia). pp. 61-75.

Williams, John (1984). Infiltration theory revisited: some implications in water balance modelling. In: Soil Water Balance Modelling in Agriculture: Components and Applications. (QDPI conference and workshop series. QC 84011). pp. 109-118.

Coventry, R.J. and Williams, John (1984). Quantitative relationships between morphology and current soil hydrology in some alfisols in semiarid tropical Australia. Geoderma 33, pp. 191-218.

Williams, John, Day, K.J., Isbell, R.F. and Reddy, S.J. (1985). Soils and Climate. In: Agro-research for the semi-arid tropics: North-West Australia. (Ed. R.C. Muchow). (University of Queensland Press, mid 1985). pp. 31-92.

Probert, M.E. and Williams, John (1985). The residual effectiveness of phosphorus for Stylosanthes pastures on red and yellow earths in the semi-arid tropics. Aust. J. Soil Res. 23, pp. 211-22.

Mott, J.J., Williams, John, Andrew, M.H. and Gillison, A.N. Australian Savanna Ecosystems (1985). (In press). In: Ecology and Management of the World’s Savannas, Proceedings of the International Savanna Symposium, Brisbane 1984. (Aust. Academy of Science/Academic Press, Melbourne). Ed. by J.C Tothill and J.J. Mott. pp. 56-82.

Ross, P.J., Williams John and McCown, R.L. (1985). Soil temperature and the energy balance of vegetative mulch in the semi arid tropics. Static analysis of the radiation balance. Aust. J. Soil Res. 23, pp. 493-514.

Ross, P.J., Williams John and McCown, R.L. (1985). Soil temperature and the energy balance of vegetative mulch in the semi arid tropics. Dynamic analysis of the total energy balance. Aust. J. Soil Res. 23, pp. 515 32.

Probert, M.E. and Williams, John (1986). Effect of phosphorus application on seasonal changes in nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations of four perennial Stylosanthes accessions. Aust. J. Exp. Agric. 26, pp. 49-58.

Probert, M.E. and Williams, John (1986). The nitrogen status of red and yellow earths in the semi-arid tropics as influenced by Caribbean Stylo (Stylosanthes hamata) grown at various rates of applied phosphorus. Aust. J. Soil Res. 24, pp. 405-21.

Murtha, G.G. and Williams, John (1986). Measurement, prediction and interpretation of soil temperature for use in soil taxonomy: tropical Australian experience. Geoderma 37, pp. 189-206.

Bonell, Mike and Williams, John (1986). The two parameters of the Philip infiltration equation: Their properties and spatial and temporal heterogeneity in a red earth of tropical semi-arid Queensland. J. of Hydrology 87, pp. 9-31.

Bonell, Mike and Williams, John (1986). The generation and redistribution of overland flow on a massive Oxic soil in a eucalypt woodland within the semi-arid tropics of north Australia. Hydrological Processes 1, pp. 31-46.

Bonell, Mike, Cassells, David, Gilmour, Don and Williams, John (1986). Hillslope Hydrology in the Humid and Semi-Arid Tropics of North-East Queensland: A Comparative Study. In: Readings in Australian Geography-proceedings of the 21st Institute of Australian Geographers’ Conference, Perth, 10-18 May, 1986. (Ed. Conacher, A.). pp. 379-391.

Williams, John and Bonell, Mike (1987). Computation of soil infiltration properties from the surface hydrology of large field plots. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Infiltration, Development and Application, 6-9 January, 1987, Honolulu. (Ed. Yu Si Fok). Water Resources Research Centre, University of Hawaii, 1987. pp. 272-281.

Bristow, K.L. and Williams, John (1987). Sensitivity of simulated infiltration to changes in soil hydraulic properties. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Infiltration, Development and Application, 6-9 January, 1987, Honolulu. (Ed. Yu-Si Fok). Water Resources Research Centre, University of Hawaii, 1987. pp. 555 564.

Bonell Mike and Williams, John (1987). Infiltration and redistribution of overland flow and sediment on low relief landscape of semi-arid, tropical Queensland. In: Forest Hydrology and Watershed Management. Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences. Symposium, Vancouver, 1987 (IAHS-AISH Publication No. 167). pp. 199-211.

Bristow, K.L., Williams, John and Ross, P.J. (1987). Soil hydraulic properties – their use in estimating infiltration. In: Proceedings of National Workshop on the Effect of Management on Soil Physical Properties, 7-10 September 1987, QDPI, Toowoomba, Australia. pp. 203-208.

Williams, John, Ross, P.J. and Bristow, K.L. (1987). Soil physical processes, the properties that control them, and their effects on plant growth. In: Proceedings of the National Workshop on the Effects of Management Practices on Soil Physical Properties, 7 10 September 1987, QDPI, Toowoomba, Australia. pp. 195-200.

Williams, John, McCown, R.L., Bristow, K.L. and Ross, P.J. (1987). Analysis and interpretation of ponded infiltration in the comparison of tillage systems in the semi arid tropics. In: Proceedings of the National Workshop on the Effect of Management on Soil Physical Properties, 7-10 September 1987, QDPI, Toowoomba, Australia. pp. 61-65.

Bristow, K.L. and Williams, John (1987). The influence of mulch canopy architecture on temperatures near the soil surface. Flow and Transport in the Natural Environment: Advances and Applications. Aug. 31 – Sept. 4, 1987, Australian Academy of Science, Canberra, Australia.

Williams, John and Bonell, Mike (1988). The Influence of scale of measurement on the spatial and temporal variability of the Philip infiltration parameters – an experimental study in an Australian savannah woodland. J. of Hydrology. 104, pp. 33-51.

Bonell, Mike and Williams, John (1989). Reply to P.I.A. Kinnell’s comments on ‘The generation and redistribution of overland flow on a massive oxic soil in a eucalypt woodland within the semi-arid tropics of north Australia’. Hydrological Processes 1, pp. 31 46 (1986). Hydrological Processes 3, pp. 97-100.

Williams, John (1989). Land degradation: Evidence that current farming practice is not sustainable. In: Proceedings of Farm Management Society Conference, ‘Management for Sustainable Farming’, Emerald, Queensland, March 29-31, 1989. pp. 1-35.

McCown, R.L. and Williams, John (1989). AUSIM: A cropping systems model for operational research. In: Proceedings of the Simulation Society of Australia and International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 8th Biennial Conference, Australian National University, Canberra, 25-27 September 1989. pp. 54-59.

Bonell, Mike and Williams, John (1989). Hillslope hydrology in the Australian tropics: A comparison with temperate studies. In: “Comparisons in Austral Hydrology”. Proceedings of Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Christchurch, New Zealand, 28-30 November, 1989. pp. 386-391.

Gillard, Peter, Williams, John and Monypenny, Richard (1989). Clearing trees from Australia’s semi-arid tropics: Production, economic and long term hydrological responses. Agricultural Science 2, pp. 34-39.

Gardener, C.J., McIvor, J.G. and Williams, John (1990). Dry tropical rangelands: solving one problem and creating another. Proc. Ecol. Soc. Aust. 16, pp. 279-286.

McCown, R.L. and Williams, John (1990). The water environment and implications for productivity. J. Biogeog. 17, pp. 513-520.

Coventry, R.J. and Williams, John (1990). Soil resources for sustainable agriculture: A Queensland perspective. In: Sustainability in Queensland Agriculture: the role of landcare in securing the future. Proceedings of the Land Care Symposium, Brisbane 20 October 1989. (Eds. Blamey, F.P.C and Strong, W.M.). AIAS Occasional Publication No. 44 (Melbourne). pp. 5-18.

McCown, R.L. and Williams, John (1991). The water environment and implications for productivity. In Savanna Ecology and Management: Australian perspectives and intercontinental comparisons. (Ed. Patricia A Werner ) Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, UK pp. 169-176.

Williams, John, Ross, P.J. and Bristow, K.L. (1991). Perspicacity, Precision and Pragmatism in Modelling Crop Water Supply. In: Modelling Crop Water Supply – In Climatic Risk in Crop Production: Models and Management for the Semiarid Tropics and Subtropics. (Eds. Muchow, R.C. and Bellamy, J.A). CAB International, London. pp. 73-96.

Williams, John (1991). Search for sustainability: agriculture and its place in the natural ecosystem. Agricultural Science 4, pp. 32 39.

Williams, John and Chartres, C.J. (1991). Sustaining productive pastures in the tropics: 1. Managing the soil resource. Tropical Grasslands 25, pp. 73-84.

Ross, P.J., Williams, John and Bristow, K.L. (1991). An equation for extending water retention curves to dryness. J. Amer. Soc Soil Sci. 55, pp. 923-927.

Cresswell, H.P., Smiles, D.E. and Williams, John (1992). Soil structure, soil hydraulic properties and the soil water balance. Aust. J. Soil Res. 30, pp. 250-256.

Chartres, C.J., Helyar, K.R., Fitzpatrick, R.W. and Williams, John (1992). Changes in soil properties resulting from European settlement of Australia. In: Australia’s Renewable Resources – Sustainability and Global Change.  Proceedings IGBP International Workshop No.14, October 1990, Bureau of Rural Resources, Canberra, pp. 3-33.

Okwach, G., Williams, John and Wambua, J. (1992). Assessment and alleviation of the impact of runoff and erosion on crop production. In: A Search for Strategies for Sustainable Dryland Cropping in Eastern Kenya. Proceedings KARI/ACIAR/CSIRO Symposium, Nairobi, 10-11 December 1990, ACIAR, Canberra, pp. 72-82.

Williams, John, Ross, P.J. and Bristow, K.L. (1992). Prediction of the Campbell water retention function from texture, structure, and organic matter. In: Proceedings International Workshop on Indirect Methods for Estimating the Hydraulic Properties of Unsaturated Soil, 11-13 October 1989, University of California, Riverside, CA, USA. pp. 427-441.

Williams, John and Hook, R.A. (1992). Search for ecological sustainability in Australian agriculture. In: Proceedings International Conference on Sustainable Land Management, Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand, 18-23 November 1991. (Ed. Henriques, Paul). International Pacific College, New Zealand. pp. 434-448.

Williams, John, Helyar, K., Greene, R.S.B. and Hook, R.A. (1994). Soil characteristics and processes critical to the sustainable use of grasslands in arid, semi arid and seasonally dry environments. In: Proceedings 17th International Grassland Congress, February 1993, Palmerston North, Hamilton, Lincoln, New Zealand and Rockhampton, Australia. pp. 1335-1350.

Williams, John, Bui, E.N., Gardner, E.N., Littleboy, M. and Probert, M.E. (1993). Tree retention and dryland salinity control in the upper Burdekin catchment of north Queensland. In: Proceedings of National Conference on Land Management for Dryland Salinity Control, 28 September-1 October 1993, Bendigo, pp. 135-145.

McIvor, J.G., Williams, John and the late C.J. Gardner (1995). Pasture management influences runoff and soil movement in the semi-arid tropics. Aust. J. Expt. Agric. 35, pp. 55-65.

Williams, John (1995). Farming without Harming: How Australia Made Rural Industries Sustainable. In: Challenge to Change: Australia in 2020 (Eds. Richard Eckersley and Kevin Jeans), CSIRO, East Melbourne, Australia. pp. 223-240.

Hamblin, A.P. and Williams, John (1995). Soils: Key issues in sustaining the land resource base. In: Sustaining the Agricultural Resource Base, Prime Minister’s Science and Engineering Council, 12th Meeting, Canberra, ACT, 23 June 1995. pp. 31-39.

Winter, W.H. and Williams, John (1996). Managing resources and resolving conflicts: the role of science. In: The Future of Tropical Savannas: An Australian Perspective (Ed. Andrew Ash), CSIRO, East Melbourne, Australia. pp. 220-27.

Bui, E.N., Smettem, K.R.J., Moran, C.J. and Williams, John (1996). Use of soil survey information to assess regional salinization risk using geographical information systems. J. Environmental Quality 25(3), pp. 433-439.

Reuter, D.J., Peverill, K., Cox, J. and Williams, John (1996). Nutrients and the environment. In: Proceedings of Grassland Society of Victoria Inc. 37th Annual Conference and Trade Fair – “Soils, Plants, Animals: The Big Picture”, Monash University, Vic., 26-28 June 1996. (Ed. Lisa Warn). pp. 26-38.

Williams, John, Bui, E.N., Gardner, E.A., Littleboy, Mark and Probert, M.E. (1997). Tree clearing and dryland salinity hazard in the upper Burdekin Catchment of North Queensland. Aust. J. Soil Res. 35, pp. 785-801.

Williams, John and Hook, R.A. (1998). Livestock Management for Catchment Care: what role quality assurance? Animal Production in Australia, 22, pp. 27-37

Hook, R.A., and Williams, John (1998). Dryland Farming regions and systems in Australia In: Farming Action-Catchment Reaction: the effect of dryland farming on the natural environment. (Eds John Williams, Rosemary Hook and Hestor L.Gascoigne), CSIRO Publications. Collingwood, Victoria, Australia, pp. 132-140.

Williams, John (1998). The capability of current models to predict production and the effect of dryland farming systems on catchment land and water quality-a brief overview. In: Farming Action-Catchment Reaction: the effect of dryland farming on the natural environment. (Eds John Williams, Rosemary Hook and Hestor L. Gascoigne), CSIRO Publications. Collingwood, Victoria, Australia, pp. 269-273.

Williams, John, Hook, Rosemary,A., and Gascoigne, Hestor L. (1998). (Eds) Farming Action-Catchment Reaction: the effect of dryland farming on the natural environment. CSIRO Publications. Collingwood, Victoria, Australia, pp. 416.

Dunin, F.X., Williams, John, Verburg, Kirsten and Keating, B.A. (1999). Can agricultural management emulate natural ecosystems in recharge control across southern Australia? Chapter 15 In: Agriculture as a mimic of natural ecosystems (Eds Ted Lefroy and Richard Hobbs), Kluwer Academic Publishers, London, UK.

Dunin F.X, Williams J., Verburg Kirsten, Keating, B.A. (1999). Can agricultural management emulate natural ecosystems in recharge control in south eastern Australia? Agroforestry Systems 45: pp. 343-364.

Williams J. (1999) Biophysical aspects of natural resource management. In: Commodity Markets and Resource Management, Proceedings National Agricultural and Resources Outlook Conference, Canberra, 17–18 March 1999. Vol.1, pp. 113–123.

Walker G., Gilfedder M. and Williams J. (1999). Effectiveness of current farming systems in the control of dryland salinity, CSIRO Land and Water, Canberra, Australia. pp. 1-16.

Stirzaker R., Lefroy T., Keating B. and Williams J. (2000). A revolution in land use: emerging land use systems for managing dryland salinity, CSIRO Land and Water, Canberra, Australia. pp 1-24.

Williams, John (2001). Farming without harming-Can we do it? Agricultural Science, 14(1) pp 20-24 and 14(2) pp10-14.

Williams John, Walker G.R., Hatton T.J. (2002). Dryland salinisation: A challenge for land and water management in the Australian landscape. In Agriculture, Hydrology and Water Quality PE Haygarth and SC Jarvis (editors). CAB International, London. pp 457-475.

Price, P. and Williams, John (2002). Redesigning Agriculture for Australian Landscapes R &D program, Review of Phase 1, January 2002, Land and Water Australia. Canberra, Australia.

Williams, John as member (2002) Blueprint for a Living Continent – A report from the Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, WWF Australia, Nov 2002, Sydney, Australia. pp 1-21.

Williams, J and Gascoigne, H. (2003). Redesign of plant production systems for Australian landscapes. Proc. 11th Australian Agronomy Conference, Geelong,

The late Cullen, P., Williams, John and Curtis, Alan (2003) Landcare Farming, Securing the Future for Australian Agriculture – a report released for National Landcare Week 15 August 2003, Landcare Australia Limited, Chatswood, Australia, pp 1-26.

Williams, John. and Goss, K. (2003). Our difficult bequest: the collision of biophysical and economic reality, cultural values and public policy. In: Connell, D. (Ed). Unchartered waters. Canberra: Murray Darling Basin Commission, Canberra, Australia. pp. 138.

Williams, John as member (2003) A New Model for Landscape Conservation in New South Wales – Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists Report to Premier Carr Feb 2003, WWF Australia, Nov 2002, Sydney, Australia, pp 1-17.

Williams, John as member (2003) Blueprint for a National Water Plan -a report from the Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, 31 July 2003, WWF Australia, Sydney, Australia, pp 1-20.

Williams, John (2003) Can we myth-proof Australia? Australasian Science Vol 24, No1 Jan/Feb 2003.

Williams, John (2003) Wealth from Water: A National Perspective, A presentation to the Wealth from Water Conference 14 March 2003 held at Wagga Wagga, NSW, CSIRO Land and Water, December 2003, Canberra, Australia. pp 1-13.

Williams, John (2003) Farming Without Harming in an Old, Flat, Salty Landscape, CSIRO Land and Water, Canberra, Australia. pp. 1-10.

Williams, J. and Saunders, D.A. (2003) Land use and natural ecosystems: a revolution in land use is the key to a sustainable landscape. In: ISOS online conference: In Search Of Sustainability, See

Williams John, Bordas V., and Gascoigne H. (2004). Conserving Land and Water for Society: Global Challenges and Perspectives, Proceedings 13th International Soil Conservation Organization Conference, Brisbane, Australia. Paper 101, pp 1-17.

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Matthew J. Colloff, R. Quentin Grafton & John Williams (2021) Scientific integrity, public policy and water governance in the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia, Australasian Journal of Water Resources, DOI: 10.1080/13241583.2021.1917097

Matt Colloff, Quentin Grafton & John Williams (2021) Scientific integrity and public policy in the post-truth world of Australian water reform, Global Water Forum.