State of the Basin Report Murky Waters Running Clearer?
The Wentworth Group members have co-authored this paper with other leading experts in water reform

NSW Biodiversity Offsets Scheme Bill Senate Inquiry Submission
The Wentworth Group has made this submission to the NSW Planning and Environment Portfolio Committee’s inquiry into the Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Biodiversity Offsets Scheme) Bill 2024.

Federal Nature Positive EPA Bill and associated bills – Senate Inquiry Submission
The Wentworth Group was invited to attend a public hearing and make a submission to the Environment and Communications Legislation Committee inquiry into the three Nature Positive Bills introduced to parliament as part of tranche 2 of the Government’s Nature Positive reforms.

Australia’s Extinction Crisis – Senate Inquiry Submission
The Wentworth Group has undertaken a review of the proposed reforms to the EPBC Act based on material shared by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) to date.

Preventing ‘Death by a Thousand Cuts’
A practical approach for addressing cumulative impacts in reforms of Australia’s environment laws, in a way that minimises burden on developers and is within Commonwealth powers.

Are Murray-Darling Basin rivers getting the water they need to stay healthy?
Assessment of whether river flows in the Murray-Darling Basin have achieved minimum flow requirements needed to ensure the river health.

Vale Dr Ronnie Harding FEIANZ
The Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists would like to pay tribute to Dr Ronnie Harding FEIANZ, a founding Member of the organisation and a champion of environmental education, who passed away on June 18, 2022.

Floodplain harvesting flow targets in NSW
This brief sets out how the NSW Government’s floodplain harvesting flow targets prioritise irrigation extraction over needs for communities and river health.

Critique of DPIE-W’s review of WG river flows assessment
This paper provides a critique of DPIE-W’s review of the Wentworth Group report "Assessment of river flows in the Murray-Darling Basin: Observed versus expected flows under the Basin Plan 2012-2019."

Assessment of river flows in the Murray-Darling Basin: Observed versus expected flows under the Basin Plan 2012-2019
The Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists report on river flows in the Murray-Darling Basin 2012-2019.

Outstanding issues within NSW’s Final Draft Water Resource Plans and consequences for the Murray-Darling Basin Plan
The Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists reviewed the NSW draft WRPs/WSPs against the safeguards we consider necessary to ensure water resource plans developed for the Basin Plan will achieve the Plan’s objectives and meet statutory requirements.

Guide to reviewing Water Resource Plans
The Wentworth Group have developed this guide to reviewing Water Resource Plans (WRPs) to assist communities to understand WRP legal inclusions, the WRP accreditation process and the key scientific issues which should be included in robust WRPs.

Water Flows in the Murray-Darling Basin: Observed versus expected
The Wentworth Group conducted a study to evaluate whether environmental water recovery has led to observable increases in river flows in the Murray-Darling Basin.

Murray-Darling Basin Snapshot
In January 2019 the Wentworth Group produced this snapshot report on the Murray Darling Basin.

Proposed Criteria for Assessing Water Resource Plans under the Murray-Darling Basin Plan
We propose nine criteria which we believe all Water Resource Plans and related planning instruments should meet in order to satisfy Basin Plan requirements.

Draft Protocol for Constructing a Native Vegetation Condition Account
A draft protocol for establishing commonality between native vegetation asset accounts.

Evaluation of the Australian Regional Environmental Accounts Trial
The first of two reports evaluating the application of the Accounting for Nature model as part of the Australian Regional Environmental Accounts Trial.

Technical Analysis of the Australian Regional Environmental Accounts Trial
This report accompanies the Evaluation Report and provides a more detailed review of approaches used in the Australian Regional Environmental Accounts Trial.

Quick Guide for Constructing Regional Scale Environmental Asset Condition Accounts
Guidelines for Constructing Regional Environmental Asset Condition Accounts.

Initial Observations from the Australian Regional Environmental Asset Condition Accounts Trials
Describes how the Accounting for Nature model uses science and statistics to create a common unit of measure for environmental accounting.

Accounting for Nature: A Common Currency for Measuring the Condition of Our Environment
Peter Cosier presented a keynote address, Accounting for Nature: A Common Currency for Measuring the Condition of Our Environment in NZ.

Global insights into water resources, climate change and governance
The threats of climate change and the trade-offs between extractions and flows are examined for the Colorado, Murray, Orange and Yellow Rivers.

Wentworth Group Evaluation of 3200GL Modeling with Relaxed Constraints
Plan for a reduction in extractions combined with relaxation of eight constraints, falls well short of satisfying the requirements of the Water Act 2007.

Wentworth Group Evaluation of the Proposed Basin Plan
Response to plan changes released on August 6, 2012. Once again the taxpayer pays, individuals benefit and the river loses.

Water and the Future of Water in Australia
Dr John Williams was invited to give the keynote address at the Australian Water Association NSW Heads of Water Gala Dinner.

Trials of Environmental Asset Condition Accounts in Australia
Peter Cosier and Carla Sbrocchi presented to the UN Committee of Experts on Environmental-Economic Accounting in Rio de Janeiro.

Capturing Science in Accounts
Prof Bruce Thom presented to the Australian Bureau of Statistics: Completing the Picture – Environmental Accounting in Practice Conference in Melbourne.

Regional Trials of Environmental Asset Condition Accounting in Australia
Peter Cosier and Carla Sbrocchi presented at an Australian Bureau of Statistics conference.

Analysis of Groundwater in the 2011 Draft Murray-Darling Basin Plan
Once water is allocated to consumption, it is very difficult to return it to the environment.

Caring for Our Coasts?
Prof Bruce Thom delivered the Keynote Address at the Australian Coastal Councils Conference, "Caring for Our Coasts?" in Hobart on 6 March 2012.

Accounting for the Condition of Environmental Assets
A paper presented to the UN Committee of Experts on Environmental Accounting at the Technical Meeting on Ecosystem Accounts in London.

A Common Currency for Building Environmental (Ecosystem) Accounts
Peter Cosier and Jane McDonald presented to the 16th London Group on Environmental Accounting in Santiago, Chile.

Sustainable Diversions in the Murray-Darling Basin
This report seeks to identify the scale of reductions in diversions required within each of the 18 catchments of the Basin.