Sustainable Diversions in the Murray-Darling Basin

For over 100 years Australians have argued over the waters of the Murray-Darling Basin. We are acutely aware that water is a scarce resource. We now know that as we developed extraction industries in the Basin, we have left too little water in the rivers to sustain a healthy river system.

This report seeks to identify the scale of reductions in diversions required within each of the 18 catchments of the Basin. It also seeks to determine the most cost-effective way to obtain the necessary water while also assisting the businesses and communities in the Basin to capitalise on opportunities and adapt to a future with less water.



Mr Peter Cosier, Prof Tim Flannery, Dr Ronnie Harding, Prof David Karoly, Prof Hugh Possingham FAA, Mr Robert Purves AM, Dr Denis Saunders AM, Prof Bruce Thom AM FTSE, Dr John Williams and Prof Mike Young

In Association with

Prof R. Quentin Grafton, Ian Kowalick, Prof Chris Miller, Tim Stubbs, A/Prof Fiona Verity, A/Prof Keith Walker

ISBN: 978-0-646-53584-5