Blueprint to Repair Australia’s Landscapes

The Wentworth Group, together with experts from academia, government and business, has developed a Blueprint to Repair Australia’s Landscapes. The Blueprint describes a suite of 24 practical actions and investments, across five key environmental asset groups, to repair Australia’s degraded landscapes.
The objective of the Blueprint is to put forward the national case and articulate a practical vision for repairing Australia’s landscapes and, in doing so, prepare for the unprecedented climatic pressures ahead.

We are an independent group of scientists and professionals, working to secure the long-term health of Australia’s land, water and biodiversity.

– Peter Cullen 1943-2008

The Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists is dedicated to water and land policy reform to protect Australia’s critical environments. We are composed of eminent scientists who are a trusted source of independent, non-government advice on issues related to water and land policy. We focus on solution-based policy reforms, which are of significant national interest.

The Group has a proven track record since 2002 of influencing legislative reform to improve environmental outcomes for water resources, biological diversity and natural landscapes.

Our members promote science-based solutions to achieve the following outcomes:

  • Water – Sound policy underpinned by robust science to maintain the health of our rivers, wetlands, and people.
  • Land – A healthy landscape that supports rural communities and allows life in the unique Australian bush to flourish.
  • Biodiversity – Stewardship of our environment to conserve our rich and diverse species of flora and fauna.

National Water Reform

Linking science to public policy, and working with local businesses and communities to adapt to a future with less water. Related analysis and reports by the Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists are available on this site. More…

Landscape Conservation

One of Australia’s most significant public policy challenges is to overcome the systemic degradation of Australia’s land and reverse the ongoing loss of biodiversity. Related analysis and reports by the Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists are available on this site. More…